Building A Sexy Hourglass Shape – Target: Tighten and Tone Shoulders and Back

Hey, ladies!
If you’ve been working hard to build your Sexy-Strong hard body, try this exercise circuit on for size!
Most of us know that muscle on a girl can be beautiful – a tight, toned upper body can help slim the midsection, adding a sexy taper to your torso.  The goal is to add gentle but noticeable shape to the muscles of the shoulders and back.

This Figure Athlete protocol is a challenging, but fun program that can help shape your body into your own “perfect” masterpiece! Try this program on for yourself and become Way Too Hot to Handle for yourself!

Sexy-Strong Figure Athletemeriza-flex-shoot-model-pose-2008
Shaping Protocol:

Weekly schedule:
Day 1:
– Cardio (as instructed)
– Strong Delts (see below)
– Light back (assisted pull-ups – 7 sets x 15 reps, 30 seconds of rest in between each set)
Day 2:
– Cardio
– Leg circuit (exercise program coming next week!) / abs
Day 3:
– Strong back (see below)
– Light delts (strict machine shoulder presses – 7 sets x 15 reps, 30 seconds rest betwn sets)
Day 4:
– Leg Circuit only
Day 5:
-Strong delts
-Light back (same as day 1)
Day 6:
-Leg Circuit (exercise program coming next week!)
Day 7:
-Rest completely.

Explanation of Excercises:

Day 1 and Day 5:
Delt circuit:
A: 1 and ¼ isometric side laterals (seated): Sit with light dumbbells, held out to sides, straight arms, very slight elbow bend only. Dumbbells should not go above shoulders. (conceptualize “pushing” arms apart). While holding right dumbbell at shoulder height, slowly lower the left arm ¼ way down, back up, then all the way down, back up. Repeat 8 reps.
Hold left arm at shoulder height, repeat 8 reps with right side (1 and ¼ reps)
B: Rear delt isolations: Lay facing downward on incline bench, near top of bench, head over the top of the bench. Grasp light dumbbells in each hand, hanging straight down below shoulders toward the floor. Bend arms to 90 degrees, (“bicep curl” movement, but with palms facing each other) keeping elbows pointed toward floor. Begin movement by laterally moving entire arm (dumbbells in each hand, elbows bent to 90 degrees, palms facing each other) until elbows, wrists, and dumbbells are at shoulder height. (palms facing floor in this, the top position of movement.) Your arms should still be bent to 90 degrees. Return to start, repeat 10-12 times.60786_449396351770507_139650843_n
C. Superman presses: This movement begins at the finish-position of the previous movement. Lie chest-down on incline bench, head over the top of the bench (as in exercise B above). Grasping light dumbbells, hold them with arms bent to 90 degrees, out to the sides of the body, palms facing the floor. (arms should look like and upside down “m”) slowly press the dumbbells up until arms are straight outward, overhead, like Superman flying through the air. Return to start, repeat 10-12 times.
D. Deep “W” presses: Move to flat bench, sit on edge. Grasping dumbbells overhead in shoulder press position, turn palms facing inward. Bend elbows to 90 degrees, and maintain this angle throughout entire movement. At the start of this movement, lower elbows until they rest on the lats, or as deeply as possible. Keep weights, arms in frontal plane throughout the entire movement. Press dumbbells overhead, but keep arms bent at 90 degrees entire movement. Repeat 15 times
E. Overhead press, Dumbbell: Immediately turn palms facing mirror, and perform regular overhead, seated presses, 15 reps.

Rest 1 minute, repeat entire cycle. Perform this 4 times. This is your Delts program

Day 3:
Back ciruit:
A: Wide grip assisted pull ups: 4 sets x 15 reps, 45 seconds of rest between each set. Be sure to keep torso upright (no arch, other than slight lift of rib cage) throughout movement, elbows and hands (grasping the bar) should be maintained in the frontal plane throughout movement, elbows moving toward hips during “pull” phase.
B. Close-grip “V-bar” parallel grip pulldowns: 4 sets x 15 reps, 45 seconds of rest between each set. During this movement, sit up tall and allow weight to stretch body, torsoe upright at top of movement. Pull down aggressively by dropping shoulders, lifting ribcage and expanding chest while arching mid-back and pinching scapula together, and pulling downward. Pause and squeeze for a 1-count. Slowly let weight up, repeat.
C. Cable High-pulls: 7 sets x 15 reps, 30 seconds of rest between sets. Sit on an aerobic step or other “stool” device, adjusted to about 12-18 inches in height. Set up the Close-grip “V” bar parallel grip on the high cable of the cable crossover device. Position the “stool” at the base of the opposing cable crossover (about 8-10 feet from base of stack/cable device). Sit on the “stool”, lean forward, grasping the “V”bar, allowing resistance to pull scapula apart. Lean forward so that lower spine is aligned with the cable, and “aimed” at the high cable, at the start position of this exercise. Begin exercise by pulling the “V” bar downward, arching upper back but keeping low back locked into the slight lean forward position, in the same line as the direction of travel of the cable, coming from the high pulley. Squeeze scapula together, and lift rib cage to initiate this movement (keep shoulders pulled downward toward hips). Pull elbows downward toward hips, arching upper back aggressively, with control. Squeeze and hold fully contracted position for a pause, return to full stretch at top of movement. Repeat.

Rest 1 minute, repeat entire cycle. Perform this 4 times.  This is your Back program.525332_449891101754624_1190250689_n

Be sure to FUEL your training pre-workout and your recovery post-workout with the new Sexy-Strong FUEL, Complete Body Sculpting Formula – coming next month! Get excited because FUEL was formulated just for us girls – with high-performance ingredients designed to help us push harder, recover quicker, with less fatigue and soreness, so we can get the absolute most out of our training!


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